BTI Notebook Battery - Compatible OEM 02VYF5 02VYF5 0HCD9H 0HCD9H 0N4FJ5 16J-B2GC-A00 2VYF5 2VYF5 312-1163 312-1163 312-1324 451-11694 5CGM4 5CGM4 5G67C 5G67C 88WR6 88WR6 DHT0W HCD9H HCD9H HCJWT HCJWT M1Y7N NHXVW NHXVW NRFFP NRFFP P8TC7 T54FJ T54FJ TVMVN TVMVN 2N6MY 312-1440 312-1441 312-1442 3VJJC 451-11814 451-11977 451-12134 4KFGD 90HYF 96JC9 DHT0W HTX4D HWR7D JD0MX N3X1D YJ02W 0NH6K9
- Smaller and lighter than other rechargeable batteries, proving ideal for portable devices
- Proprietary Battery Size battery size for maximum productivity with added dependability
- 6 cells for better reliance and maximum dependability
- 11.1 V DC battery - Powers your notebook safely
- Rechargeable battery - Lasts longer on a single charge than its disposable counterparts
- 5200 mAh battery capacity for convenient and prolonged usage to ensure maximum productivity
- Offers a reasonable fit to your notebook