BTI AC Adapter - Compatible Model 11E-20DA 11E-20DB E440- 20C5 E555-20DH E560-20EV E560-20EW E560-20G5 L470-20JU L470-20JV L560-20F1 L560-20F2 L570-20J8 P50S-20FL P51-20HH P51-20HJ P51S-20HB S3-20G0 S3-20G1 S3-S431- 20AX S3-S431- 20BA T450-20BU T450-20BV T450-20DJ T450S-20BW T470P-20J7 T470S-20HF T470S-20HG T470S-20JS
- Power up your portable devices with the constant voltage supply
- 170 W maximum output power for maximum dependability and added productivity
- 8.50 A helps?charge quickly
- Delivers 20 V DC to ensure that your device is always ready to use
- Notebook device supported for better reliance and optimal performance