Everyday laptops for first-time users. High-performance notebooks for serious gamers. Convertible PCs for those who like their entertainment on the go. There's an Ideapad for everyone. Embracing form, function, style, and fun, each Ideapad delivers responsive performance you can count on.
- Intel Core i3 2.40 GHz works smartly and well responsive to let you swiftly use multiple applications
- 6 GB memory for smooth multitasking
- 15.6" display with 1366 x 768 resolution showcases movies, games and photos with impressive clarity
- Windows 10 Home comes with improved 2 x 2 snapping, helps you make more productive at work
- 1 TB HDD provides good space to accommodate your complete data
- Super Multi-format DVD Drive for all your optical media and video recording needs. Plays and burns DVDs and CDs.