Premier Support from Extreme Networks is a proactive,high touch post sale support service that assistscustomers in supporting their Extreme Networksproducts and network. All resources and deliverablesare designed to manage your day-to-day technicalneeds, provide analysis and recommendations whilebuilding strong customer relationships, all focused onkeeping your network performing at optimum levels.
Extreme Networks Software and GTAC Service offeringprovides technical support, update and/or upgradesupport, for Covered Products (as defined herein)
Extreme service offerings further grant customerstelephone and web access to Extreme Networks GlobalTechnical Assistance Center ("GTAC") 24 hours a day,365 days a year (24x7) to report problems, ask product-related questions and receive assistance for ExtremeNetworks hardware and Operational Software.
- Provides reliable support to resolve all your technical issues
- New Releases Update service included to resolve your problems
- 15 Minute - Phone Support service response time for timely completion with increased dependability
- 1 Year service duration to ensure maximum efficiency and precise results