Optimized for use with audio applications! Just use standard or coax audio cables.|Multiplatform! Supports PC, Sun®, Mac®, and select UNIX servers.|For use in server installations the include the latest blade servers.|Highly durable and reliable computer and user-cable connections.|Also available in mini and full chassis, as well as 4-, 8-, 12-, and 16-port versions.|On-screen menus and security.|Cable distances of up to 100 feet (30.4 m) without additional extension products.|Mouse conversion, so you can mix PS/2, USB, and serial mice, as well as Sun and Mac mice.|Flash-ROM upgradable.|Premium video resolution.|
- Use this KVM Switchbox and eliminate the need for manually switching cables between sources
- Enjoy watching any class of content on 1600 x 1280 resolution
- The rack-mountable form factor provides convenient installation